Qt Platform Plugin Windows Download
- @jrmmuller said in 'could not find or load the Qt platform plugin 'windows' in ',: If you could help me with the steps. Open cmd and type echo%QTPLUGINPATH% if it's not empty then delete it (just google: delete environmental variable windows #, where # is your windows version) Open cmd and type echo%PATH% and press enter.
- The QTQPAPLATFORMPLUGINPATH variable is used by Qt to look up certain drivers including the qwindows.dll. It doesn't know the path to the 'qgis directory apps Qt5 plugins' directory, so you need to provide it before using the QgsApplication module imported from qgis.core.
- Qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin 'windows' in ' This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. Does this mean that I need to install Qt? If yes, why isn't Qt included in Foxy release, or, as part of install instruction?
- This app failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin 'windows' in'. Available platform plugins are minimal, windows. Reinstalling the app may fix this problem. Creating a restore point didn't work. Microsoft help didn't help. Reinstalling didn't help. Hoping there is something because I can't access any games =.
QT platform plugin 'windows': Hello, I download an app of R (programming language) and at the time of opening this poster appears:'This aplication failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin 'Windows' reinstalling the application may fix the problem'I try reinstall the app.
Thank-you, Good to know I need a reinstall on another laptop later today.
Personally I would not recommend either of those courses of action, but I'm glad you got it working.
On Monday, February 20, 2017 at 3:21:10 PM UTC-6, Ray Donnelly wrote:
As I said, fixed this error.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 9:16 PM, <bernard...@gmail.com> wrote:Hello, I am a newbie too and went through the same issues with qty missing on Windows 10. What solved the problem for me was :
-Adding '
Qt Platform Plugin Windows Download
C:ProgramDataAnaconda2' to my system path for convenience-Re-installing anaconda-navigator with the command bellow entered in a command window with Administrator permission:
'conda install anaconda-navigator'.
Answer 'Y' to accept the install and after a few minutes, it completed without error.
I hope it helps you as it did for me.
On Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 5:41:57 AM UTC-6, ignaci...@gmail.com wrote:Hello, I'm running Anaconda on Windows 10; whenever I try to run anaconda I get the following error:
'This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin 'windows in '.
Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.'
I read around about doing 'conda update -all' in cmd, however it didn't workout for me. Reinstalling Anaconda also didn't work.
This seems to be a common problem, however I can't seem to find a straightforward solution online, what can I do? and please bear in mind that I'm a newbie in Python.
Thanks in advance!
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